Every woman has at least three or four different necklace types. From statement chokers to pearl necklaces and lariats, the necklace is one of the most creative pieces of jewelry. Besides their shape and size, necklaces also differ when it comes to materials. You can have a gold necklace, a silver one or even a stainless steel necklace. If you want to know more about different types of necklaces for women, read this article. So how can you care for your different necklace types? How can you make sure that your jewelry always remains shiny and beautiful?

That’s easy. You just have to follow our advice. At Ana Luisa, we have created a comprehensive guide for helping you clean your necklaces and avoiding mistakes that can ruin your jewelry. Read further to find out more about how you should care for different necklace types. In this article you will discover:

  • How to clean necklaces according to the jewelry metals
  • How to clean necklaces depending on gemstones
  • Top tips for maintaing your necklaces

Cleaning necklaces according to the metal

As you know, some necklaces contain gold, others contain silver, stainless steel or other metals. It’s important to know the metal of your necklace in order to clean it properly.

How should I clean a gold necklace?

For simple gold necklaces, you can use warm soapy water and a lint-free cloth. You can put your necklace inside the water and rub the links gently with your fingers. Rinse the necklace and dry it with the cloth to ensure that the water doesn’t stay too long on your jewelry. As chlorine can ruin jewelry, it is best to use bottled still water as opposed to tap water.  

After you finish cleaning your necklace, you can polish it using a special polishing from the jewelry store.

necklaces for woman

How should I clean silver necklaces?

As opposed to other jewelry types, silver necklaces can get tarnished. If you want your silver necklace to retain its beautiful look, you have to clean it periodically and remove the tarnish.

For simple silver necklaces, you can use a tarnish remover and a microfiber cloth or a soft toothbrush to clean them. Dry your necklace with a lint-free cloth. There is also another method to remove the tarnish but, again, you should only use it on simple necklaces (not silver-plated and not with gemstones). You can mix warm water with baking soda and salt to dissolve the tarnish. Then you can rinse your necklace and dry it with the same lint-free cloth.

necklaces for woman

How should I clean necklaces made of other metals?

As we said, there are many necklace types and many metals used in jewelry. Stainless steel is a very durable metal, but you have to rinse your necklace thoroughly to avoid soap stains. Copper, on the other hand, is not as resistant so it’s best to use only a damp cloth. The same goes for brass and other metals.

Cleaning necklaces according to the gemstones

How should I clean a pearl necklace?

Among different necklace types, the pearl necklace is the item women treasure the most. It also the most fragile type of necklace because pearls can scratch very easily. To clean your pearl necklace you should only use a damp cloth. Do not use any soap as it can ruin the pearls. Do not use pressure to rub your necklace. Instead, use small dabs for each pearl, then turn it on the other side and repeat the movement. Gently dry your pearl necklace using a lint-free cloth.

necklaces for woman

How should I clean silver gemstone necklaces?

For silver gemstone necklaces and silver plated necklaces, forget the water. You also have to be very careful with the professional tarnish remover to avoid the gemstones. Use a damp cloth and dry your necklace. Afterward, you can polish it using a special polishing solution.

How should I clean gold gemstone necklaces?

For gemstone necklaces made of gold or gold plated necklaces avoid placing them in water. Instead, use a damp microfiber cloth to rub them gently, then use a soft jewelry brush to clean areas that are difficult to reach. Just as with a gold necklace, make sure to dry them using a lint-free cloth.

Top tips for maintaining different necklace types

Be very careful with the gemstones on your necklace. Don’t use soap or any other solution on them. It is enough to clean them with a damp cloth and don’t put too much pressure or you could ruin the setting.

One thing that happens very often and can be very annoying is when hair gets caught in the clasp. This can happen with all necklace types and it can be very difficult to get it out. While some people recommend using hair removal cream, you should stay away from it. Hair removal cream contains chemicals designed to melt the hair. This may not be harmful towards the human body, but imagine what happens when those chemicals react with your gold plated necklace.

Also, using a lighter to burn away the knots can damage your necklace. Instead, you should get a very thin needle and lots of patience. Try to detangle to knots so that the strand gets free and easy to remove. You can also use a pair of tweezers, but be careful not to scratch the jewelry. To find out what to do to avoid damaging your necklace clasp, read this article.

When it comes to storing different necklace types, it is best to keep them hanging straight when you are not wearing them. This way you avoid your chains forming knots.

Check out Ana Luisa online shop to view our limited edition designer necklace collections. In our collections, we feature beautiful designer jewelry pieces at fair prices. Visit our online shop and follow us on Instagram to be the first to find out about our newest collections.

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Ruxandra is a fashion blogger who teaches fashion stumped twenty to thirty somethings how to shop their jewelry boxes for polished new ensembles. Her work has been featured in Vogue, Fashionista, Nylon, and Refinery29.